Welcome to Quilted Fox.  My name is Gentrie Lemerond and I am the Owner and Creator of Quilted Fox.  I have been a quilter for more than 20 years and in that time I have rarely followed a pattern.  It wasn't until much later in life that friends would start asking me for patterns of the quilts I would make and the only thing I had for them would be a drawing of the quilt.  We would laugh and agree that would not work for them.  That was when I decided I should start writing the patterns for my creations for those who would like to also make them.  Majority of the time I make simple geometric style patterns.  I mostly stick to 5' x 6' quilt size.  We are all tall in our family, and this is what we consider a lap quilt so it will reach toes to shoulders.  I started engaging in Mindful Quilting when several quilt recipients commented on how good my quilts made them feel.  "Snuggling with your quilt always makes me feel better."  I started researching this and off we go into Mindful Quilting.  It is our goal to resurrect the healing quilts line with this and one day open a quilting retreat center.  Those are on the horizon, but for now, enjoy my patterns.  If you find mistakes or would just like to send a message, please do at info@quilted-fox.com